Friday, March 21, 2008

Oh, and...

Gnorm was a little chilly this morning.


Meg said...

I hope you know I am VERY glad I stopped working in that hell hole--I mean, that bookstore--before they started selling scary tiny gnomes. Scary, tiny gnomes are OK when they are photos on the Internet, but had Gnorm shown up randomly in amongst the books in my section while shelving he would've scared me to death.

Shoes following you all around the Internet are also pretty scary. Shoes should be fun, not stalker-y.

Sisiggy said...

meg: Yeah, there's something definitely Twilight Zoney about Gnorm...and the shoes.

Gwynne said...

First, mascara. Now, ketchup (or catsup). Gnorm appears to be very troubled. This could be a David Lynch movie in the making. ;-)