Wednesday, June 14, 2006

How Spicey McPustule lost his college money

DO NOT go on the roof, Spicey McDweeble...

I said, GET OFF THE ROOF, Spicey McDeafness...

Are you on that roof?

I can hear you up there...

Get down off of there before you...

break your neck!

Told you so.*

*The preceding has been brought to you by the soon-to-be-grounded Spicey McPinhead whose college account will be used to repair the roof that he seems to think is his private balconey.


Anonymous said...

Oh no he didn't....

Anonymous said...

What good is a roof if you can't go on it.
I'm sure he was only up there studying or something..

Anonymous said...

Oh come on HB2 ... don't encourage Spicy McDingbat.

Anonymous said...

ever wonder why they think they can fly - but only try out the theory close enough that Mom will have to pick up the pcs in case they need to go to the ER?

Erica said...

Hey,Sissigy, I think his being called Spicey McPustule out in public and all kinda makes up for it. I mean really, it's like calling your kid ZitFace...