Really, it was a blogger convention. We talked about blogging. Here is my receipt for the gas to drive to
I think. There was a lot of cheese. I remember that.
I seem to recall Jag bringing up blogging and I’m pretty sure I answered her. Then Trasherati changed the subject to something else, but I’m positive we came back to it. Blogging, I mean. Then we ate some more cheese.
The wine receipt? It was part of a….uh….team building exercise. Yeah. That’s it. A team building exercise. You pour wine into a “never-empty-wine-glass.” Seriously. You drink and drink and the wine glass is never empty. It truly brought us all together, except for those of us who don’t do team building exercises.
So it was necessary to break out the Limoncello. Strictly for the sake of unity, you understand.
How did this benefit my blogging capabilities?
Well…it…er…we…discussed… the socio-economic…ramifications…of periodic communicative… stuff…
Did I mention we broke out the Limoncello?
And cheese.
What did I learn from the evening?
Ummm…AH! Evidently I have absolutely no shame because just as Trasherati’s husband arrived we all decided to discuss tampons and estrogen. Surprisingly this did not faze him in the least.
Hmm…what else. Oh! It takes overstaying your welcome and two double shots of expresso before you should get behind the wheel of a car after the never-empty-wine-glass, Limoncello and, yes, the cheese.
There was a whole lot of other food, some of which required cooking even though there wasn’t supposed to
be cooking only cheese, but I can’t in all good conscience claim that as a deduction.
Is it still deductible if you admit you had a wonderful time? When it’s my turn to host the next….er….blogging convention….will that make my hot tub deductible?
Sisiggy, Jag, Trasherati
There was no COOKING, only CHOPPING. And a hella lot of cheese. Good lord, my fridge still looks like Wisconsin. And there was a lot of wine, judging by how I felt popping ibuprofen at 3:30 a.m. - 'cause you know we red folks can't hold our firewater. It makes us talk. A lot.
I think this photograph documents the only instance Trasherati's mouth was closed, except for the numerous times she was ingesting firewater.
And we talked about blogging a lot. Almost exclusively. Really.
I was wondering how you managed to drive home....
Stopped the never-empty-wine-glass and switched to the expresso. Then it was more a matter of making it home before my bladder burst and then trying to get to sleep with all the caffeine.
I think the tax deduction should work. And if it doesn't I'm pretty sure the ladies make some kind of alcohol in prison..
"...except for those of us who don’t do team building exercises."
Who in the world are you talking about?
if this works let me know. i need all the help i can get.
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