Monday, January 18, 2010

You fly back to school, Little Starling. Fly, fly, fly...


They're considered pests around here. Their flocks can be huge and noisy. Sometimes they chase other, more delicate birds away from the feeder. On a cloudy day they are very ordinary-looking; a black bird with a yellow beak like so many other black birds with yellow beaks. They don't sing prettily.

Let the sun hit their feathers, though, and they show every color of the rainbow for those willing to look.

I can relate to the starling. In fact, I think I come from starling-esque stock. Noisy, scrappy, infinitely durable. We shove each other around and bring on the vapors in those of a more delicate constitution. You can try to scare us away, annoy us away -- some have even tried poison; but we keep on.

And in a certain light we show every color of the rainbow.


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Darkgarden said...

Your meds are kicking in over there I see.

Darkgarden said...

Hi Mr. Anonymous Ponzi Dude! Can you come over to my BLOG and post your spam too?! I got a boy over at Darkgarden that'd pay you some good money for makin' him happy. I can also give you directions to someone called the Titty Lady who'd love to hear from you!

José el Narcisista said...

FAIL for the URL encoding

Shay said...

I must disagree; starlings sing sooo prettily. They have one of the most amazing bird vocabularies.

(The problem, I think, is that you never hear one starling singing but rather the whole dam' Starling Tabernacle Choir).