Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm in my happy place EDITED

Dirtman has just informed me that the loaf of bread in this photo looks like a finger. It is, in fact, the end of a loaf of Italian bread. I guess I assumed everyone knew how big blue jays are and would adjust their brains accordingly. Actually, I really didn't notice until Dirtman pointed it out.


John said...

great pics! I did think it was a finger...after you pointed it out, I remembered how big they are.

I have been absent from the blogosphere for some time, and have to say I am glad to be back. I have always enjoyed your blog.

Sisiggy said...

John: Wow! It has been awhile. Welcome back!

That Janie Girl said...

Cool pix!

jagosaurus said...

That is TOTALLY a finger.

turtlegirl76 said...

Uh. Is it wrong that I wasn't thinking "finger" but um, a more "manly" body part?

Sisiggy said...

Janie: Thanks!

JAG: That is TOTALLY. Not.

turtlegirl: I don't know if it's wrong, but I know that every man reading your post just crossed their legs.