Thursday, December 15, 2005

Maybe he's a plumber...

A few days ago Heir 2 and I attempted to make the usual press butter cookies using the same old press I use every year, that every year I have to patch together to make work.

Like me, the thing was an antique (my mother used it while I was growing up) and finally, half way through the cookies, it broke for good.

Dirtman, ever diligent (and eager for cookies) overnighted a new cookie press from Williams-Sonoma. Along with the same presses the old one had, there were some new -- um -- improved ones, including this:

My snowman has a butt crack. That's sick!


Anonymous said...

You're a sick, sick woman, tsk tsk tsk

I know where you live

SquirrleyMojo said...

again, keep Heir 2 away from the chocolat.

Darkgarden said...

Oh man... That is the grosest cookie I have ever seen...


Darkgarden said...

Hey anonymous dude...

Why are you saying dumb and somewhat aggresive statements like, "I know where you live...?"

Sisiggy said...

squirrley: Yes, that was the immediate reaction, since today was a snow day. Both Heirs were suddenly very interested in cookie baking.
DG: Don't worry. You're related to anonymous. We could drop him off five miles out of town and he'd never find his way to where I live...